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While driving provides us with incredible freedom, convenience and enjoyment — it comes with responsibility and drivers should not forget about the risks on the road. When drivers are negligent, not only do they put themselves in danger they put other people in danger and can cause accidents and claim lives. has compiled a list of top habits that lead to safer that lead to safer driving and avoid major accidents. By practicing these sage habits, one can be a more sensible driver, and make the roads safer for all.

1. Follow the speed limits and be aware of your surroundings

Speeding is one of the main causes of road accidents. Speeding has been a constant contributor in car crashes and resulting fatalities for decades. This is because speeding increases the chances of losing control of the vehicle.

If you want to start good habits as a safe driver, a good starting point is to respect posted speed limits. Be aware of the posted speed limits and make sure you do not exceed it. The speed limit is the maximum limit, not a recommended speed. Adjust your speed based on the time of the day, the flow of traffic, as well as weather and surface conditions.

In addition to not speeding, take your time and pay attention to your surroundings. That will help you avoid situations where you need to make sudden stops. If you are approaching a school zone or residential area, slow down and be aware of the speed limits and exercise caution.

2. Don’t be distracted on the road

There are countless accidents and tragedies that unfortunately occur due to distractions while driving so don’t be distracted on the road and pay attention to your surroundings. This will help you avoid situations where you need to make sudden stops.

According to research, drivers who use their mobile phone are four times more likely to be involved in an accident. There are also other sources of distraction that might make you take your eyes off the road. These include with radio, eating while driving, applying makeup, watching videos, or trying to read something while driving.

Anything that takes your attention away from the road can be disastrous. Even a moment’s distraction while driving can hinder your ability to react to whatever is happening on the road around you, and it only takes a split second for the worst to happen. To be safe on the road, keep your attention on the road.

3. Always wear a seatbelt

It goes without saying, seatbelts save lives. Wearing a seatbelt can significantly reduce or prevent injuries in accidents. A seat belt, when properly worn, keeps you safe and secure inside the vehicle in case of a car accident.

Being thrown out of the vehicle during a car crash has proved to be much more fatal for those involved in an accident. Remember, air bags were designed to work with seatbelts, not replace them. If you are not buckled up, an opening airbag may also result in serious injuries.

4. Avoid driving when you’re very tired

A significant number of accidents occur each year because of driver fatigue, tiredness and drowsiness. Driving when one is tired or sleepy produces effects similar to drunk driving — slower reaction time, decreased awareness and impaired decision-making. Falling asleep behind the wheel will cause devasting results!

Get well rested and make sure you have a good night’s sleep and feel alert before driving. When going on long journeys, try to plan your driving in the middle of the day when you’re least tired and share the driving with family or friends.

5. Avoid road rage

When it comes to driving, responsibility and patience play huge roles. Heavy traffic, erratic drivers, a scramble for parking space, or even waiting for passengers can be very trying for a driver’s patience. However, a quick temper can put you and others in danger when you are behind the wheel. Remember, dangerous driving is no way to vent your anger or frustration. When on the road, emotions should be kept in check.

Don’t take actions of other drivers personally. Reactions resulting from anger often lead to misjudgement and irreversible damage. Stick to safe driving practices in all situations to avoid confrontations. The risks involved in driving can be mitigated by avoiding the habits mentioned above. Drive safe and become a sensible and responsible motorist on the road.

6. Use your turn signals

This may seem like common sense, but you’d be surprised how many people fail to use their blinker. Turn signal neglect causes many accidents a year. Signalling your intention to turn, change lanes, or pull over is important to let the other drivers around you know how to react safely. Using your blinkers is good practice to keep you and others around you safe and aware.

7. Check for blind spots

Last but not least, get in the habit of checking for blind spots. Turn signal neglect causes many accidents a year. Signalling your intention to turn, change lanes, or pull over is important to let the other drivers around you know how to react safely.

After checking your rear-view and side mirrors, it is important to also check for blind spots. This involves turning your head to make sure no cars or pedestrians are approaching. Checking for blind spots is especially crucial before changing lanes.

Be on the lookout for small cars and motorcycles, which tend to switch lanes a lot and may be hard to detect. Make sure that once you check for blind spots and prepare to switch lanes, you use your turn signals to indicate your intention.

We hope that this article helps you become a safer driver on the roads of Vietnam! If you found this article useful, please visit our other News and Reviews. On behalf of the VietWheels team we wish you all the best in finding your next dream car in Vietnam.